“I can’t believe I haven’t had this in my life up until this point.”

— H.D

Lovely words from lovely people...

“The yoga retreat I didn’t know I needed”



I have been having online classes with Rachel for a few weeks now, before my session I was a total beginner with no previous experience. I found Rachel to be extremely warm and welcoming and she broke down the movements is a very clear and easy way to understand. Through the process Rachel has given me. Clear understanding of the practice and has spent a lot of time researching what will be the most beneficial practice for me. Rachel not only teaches yoga in a calm and soothing way, she takes time to engage with me through conversations that really help me to see the benefit of yoga on my health and well being. I would highly recommend Rachel as I have seen so much improvement in my mind body and soul and I cannot thank Rachel enough.”

— Laura

“Yoga with Rach is a particularly special practice - she has a unique intuition and understanding and I felt more awake and dare I say, more alive after our sessions.  You are in very safe hands :) ”

— Becky


“I enjoy doing the yoga because it’s an hour out to concentrate on me. This is especially important at the moment when some people are finding it difficult to get away and find a place for calm and peace. I like the fact that you tell us about the foundations of yoga and the reasons for doing something - its like everything has an origin and a reason and I like that  - it makes me feel grounded and part of something bigger. I come out of it feeling much more settled, calm and able to cope than when I go in. And you get an amazing stretch and muscle work out too.”

— Sarah R

 I enjoy practice because it helps me unwind and by the end of it my mind is clear and ready to take on the day. It’s the perfect combination of testing both mental and physical strength that leaves me feeling accomplished.”

— Sarah G


“Yoga with Rach - I’m new to yoga and have difficulty with coordination and balance. I always thought yoga wouldn’t work for me but Rach is so gentle and patient and considers so much how the practice can enrich the person and offers bespoke support. I’ve found it really helpful with my painful lower back and and also my relaxation and mindfulness.”

— George

Heg & Rach

““I’ve practised various forms of yoga for years but have always struggled with a very busy mind. Rach has offered a new route into yoga which has felt calmer and more connected. She creates a peaceful, non-judgemental space where she encourages curiosity and exploration of what the body and mind needs. She beams positivity and is a very supportive and wise teacher. I’m very grateful for her and what she has taught me”.

— Heg